Thomas Wandless | [email protected] | |
Michael Dimartino | [email protected] | |
Ginny Kavanaugh | [email protected] | |
Stephanie McGrory | [email protected] | |
Alysha Messmer | [email protected] | |
Susan Flax | [email protected] | |
Church law provides that a Pastoral Council exist to advise the pastor on issues related to the life of a parish. Under the leadership of our Pastor, Father Paul O'Dell, a new sense of direction and involvement has been given to Pastoral Council members. In addition to meeting monthly to discuss parish needs and concerns, council members have also taken an active role in leading various parish activities such as Lenten Soup Suppers, Volunteer Thank you Receptions, Jubilee celebrations, and the Installation Mass and Reception of our Pastor this past October. Council meetings are scheduled on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm in the Parish Office.