Each Sunday morning at St. Denis, we offer coffee and donuts and conversation right after the 9:30am Mass. Folks get acquainted, kids play in the garden, and we grow closer as a community. The ladies who organize these gatherings (Cathy Grimm, Rosie McCormick and Dede Waters-Masters) are incredibly dedicated, but they can always use some help. Families and individuals are invited to help with this ministry of hospitality! Helping to set up, serve and clean up are things even the younger children can get involved with. And it teaches them valuable lessons of participation in the life of the parish. To sign up, click on the link below. Even just once every few months would help a great deal. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0844ABA628A2FE3-donut1 For more information, contact Parish Council member Stephanie McGrory at [email protected] or 650-400-3949. Thank you!