The Director of Music Ministries for St. Denis Parish and Our Lady of the Wayside church will be responsible for all music associated with worship, religious education, social ministry, and evangelization in both locations. In addition, the Director of Music Ministries will be responsible for:
Coordinating and staffing all other liturgies with competent musicians.
Participating in planning the liturgies with the Parish Liturgy Committee and will be primarily responsible for the music selection of all regular and special celebrations.
Attending all of the masses to see the “culture” of each and seek input from those attending as to what type and style of music should be delivered
Coordinate all of the parish music ministries;
Plan, develop and administer the music budget for each church
Organize programs and rehearsals
Develop and execute a short and long range plan to be approved by the Pastor and the Finance Committee.
Provide scheduling for all music ministers (cantors, choirs organists)
Work with existing Choir to enhance the depth of the music and recruit more participants from the parish.
Maintain and enhance the existing music library
Create a performance evaluation methodology with input from the parishioners and pastor
Organization of choral ensembles, e.g., adult, youth, children’s, other.
Other Duties:
Training of instrumental groups ( brass, strings, guitar, etc.);
Presentation of choral programs or organ recitals;
Development of music education programs;
Use of liturgical dance, plays, and other art forms;